The Bandana
The myths...
You mean you don't know where Pan's Bandana origanated from? True, no one really
does, but here are a few myths....
Myth #1
Grampa Gokuu's Gi

Ever think that maybe, just maybe, Pan's bandana was given to her by her lovable, grandpa?
Take note in how in dbz, Gokuu is nearly always in his orange gi? Then in gt, Pan never seems
to go anywhere without her beloved orange bandana.
Fanfiction authors have wrote about Panny's bandana coming from an old peice of Gokuu's gi, but
then again, It is only fiction.
Myth #2
Grandma Chichi's skaff

Never noticed it before? Well, It is there! And Its orange! SNAP! A MATCH! Er - Back
to the point... Chichi wears it during dbz, but by the time gt rolls around, poof! Its gone!
And lookie at Pan....whats that? A bandana? The same colour and all? A conisadence? You decide.
Myth #3
Seventeen's Bandana

*Shugs* Its possible! Truley!....Okaaaaaay...maybe...but hey! Don't rain on my pariade!
True, this is proberly the lest likley possiblity, but Seventeen is seen wearing a orange bandana,
so I have my reasons ;p
Myth #4
Lunch's Hair-Peice/Bandana

One of the least noticed charactors, so her hair-peice is proberly not seen as a possiblity.
But as you can clearly see is the picture above, It just might be the same peice of cloth that
Pan wears.
Myth #5
The Great Saiyaman's Bandana

Yep Pans Dads, or should I say The Great Saiyaman's, bandana is orange {at least in some
pictures} So maybe one day Pan was looking through her parents old stuff, and....Walla! She
scores herself a bandana!
Picture and Possiblity was given by Patti
Those are the possiblities I found, but If you have any more, feel free to email me, submissions are always welcome!
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