Chapter 2
"A little higher…No, that's too high. Better make it a bit lower…No, now that's too low again," She directed Vegeta who was struggling with the welcome home banner.
"Damn it woman! Make up your mind, quick!"
"Perfect!" she exclaimed happily clasping her hands together. "Where's Chichi? Did she get here yet?"
"Konban wa minna-san!" Gohan exclaimed as he burst through the door ducking under Vegeta's foot, who was still in the air looking at the banner. "Hurry up dad!" he yelled over his shoulder. Goku appeared a moment later with the cake in hand.
"Whoa Vegeta! Almost ran into you there!" he laughed while setting the cake down on a near by table as the prince floated to the floor.
"Bura, the guests are here!" Bulma yelled to her daughter. "Is your brother here yet?"
"Hey! What's going on?" Trunks asked looking around, Goten one step behind him.
"Well, duh!" Bura said, finally appearing at the foot of the stairs. "Don't you remember?" But before she could finish her statement, Krillin interrupted her.
"She's coming!" Everyone gathered, with the exception of Vegeta, around the door, including a very confused Trunks and Goten. After a few seconds a woman burst through the door.
"Mom? Dad?" she questioned. "I got your note to meet you here! What's going…" suddenly she stopped, her mouth forming a perfect 'o' of surprise at all the people around her. "What the…?"
Trunks looked at her. It was the blonde from the restaurant. What was she doing at his house?
"WELCOME HOME MARRON!!!" everyone around him shouted, as she broke out into a beautiful smile.