Just Kidding
Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I still don't own them. I don't own M'n'Ms either (not many, anyway) or Monty Python.

Hehehe, decided to break it into four parts instead, just cos this is such a good place to leave it. And yeah, I agree, Bra is a sicko. I forgive her.

"I still smell like salt," Pan complained, sniffing at her arm.

Trunks leaned over to sniff at her skin as well. "Hmm… a little… I though I scrubbed you well enough in the shower." They chuckled evilly together. "Hehe, we got sand –everywhere-."

Throwing a pillow at them, Goten muttered, "You'll get that, when you fuck like rabbits all over the beach. You really shouldn't do that in front of people."

Smiling, Pan picked at the last traces of cheese on a pizza box. They'd spent all afternoon at the beach, and the whole time she'd not been able to stop touching him. And, from his actions and his jesting words, Trunks hadn't been able to get enough of her either. This 'kidding around' thing was awesome. Intoxicating.

She just wished it was for real…

Right now, Trunks had pulled Pan onto his lap and close against him. As he captured her greasy left hand to lick her fingers for her, delighting in her shivers, his other hand was tucked down the front of her board shorts. Just resting there, a centimeter short of indecency.

Bra suddenly sat up. "Hey, I've got an idea!" She hopped up and ran over to the liquor cabinet, coming back with a bottle of Black Sambucca and a few shotglasses. "Who's up for Truth or Dare?"

After a moment of ripping off Bra's childishness, the other three agreed, and she made them each knock back a shot to start with.

Goten picked Dare, and managed to get down the entire box of soap flakes. His soapy hiccups were a sight to see.

Pan chose Truth so she didn't have to move from her comfortable perch.

Bra smiled evilly. "Trunks, leave the room. Now."

Worried, Pan started to stand- and inadvertantly pulled Trunks' hand lower. She gasped at the shocking, unexpected, intimate touch.

The blood rushed to Trunks' face as his fingers slid into small tight curls. He froze for an instant- then pulled his hand out as if it had been burnt. "Sorry, Pan," he choked out- and fled.

Blushing hotly, Pan sat back down. It took her a moment to calm down enough to look at the others; but when she did, Bra was waiting patiently, and Goten's fists were clenched.

"It's alright, Uncle Goten," she managed, "That was totally an accident."

Bra gave her a curious look, then sighed. "Anyway- my question is pretty obvious now. How do you feel about my brother?"

"Extremely embarassed right now," Pan said truthfully. Her pulse was still racing.

That wouldn't be enough, she knew from the identical raised eyebrows. Pan looked down. "Do I have to?"

"Yes," two voices echoed.

"Well… I…" She dragged her hand over her face. "I can't help it. I'm just so attracted to him it hurts. I have been for years. But he's such a good friend to me, and besides, he'll never think of me as anything other than another little sister."

Bra reached over and squeezed her hand, supportively. "It's okay, Pan. He'll figure it out eventually."

"I don't want him to figure it out eventually!" Pan whimpered, a twist to her lips that showed she knew how pathetic she sounded. "I want him to figure it out -now!-"

Bra grinned. "TRUNKS!"

Pan flashed a glare at her. "Not –right- now, Bra!" she hissed… and noticed Goten's disapproving, sullen expression (only briefly interrupted by a soapy hiccup.)

"Panny-chan, if he touches you again… seriously… I –will- tell your Dad."

Now that was a threat. Pan lowered her head. "He didn't mean to, and I doubt he ever will. Calm down, Goten-chan."

"Hey." Trunks jumped over the back of the lounge- then paused in midair, flicking a concerned glance at Pan. She moved over a little, and he dropped into the seat, not quite touching her.

It was strange how, now that they had become aware of eachother, not-quite-touching could be so erotic. "So… truth or dare?"

He resisted the urge to huskily whisper his answer. Maybe the whole thing –had- been hitting a little close to home. "Dare," he answered lightly. Pan answered just as flippantly, "Trunks, I think you should kiss… Goten."

To the backdrop of Bra's insane giggling, both men facefaulted. "WHAT?" they roared together.

Bra handed around more shots. "You might want these," she grinned, watching them knock the shots down.

"I- I really have to do this?"

"Yuh-huh." Pan gave Trunks a sideways look. "At least a minute."

Bra frowned. "Well, a minute –is- a pretty long time. Let's make it thirty seconds. I'm sure they can handle that." Smirking, she reached behind Goten's back to flash a hand-held digital videocamera at Pan so Trunks couldn't see it.

Trunks rubbed his eyes with his thumband forefinger; looked up. "Only cos I've got three shots under my belt."

"Two," Goten corrected nervously.

The lavender-haired warrior tipped back another one. "Three." Pulling his hair out of his eyes, he got up, walked over to where his best friend sat on the floor, and knelt before him. "Promise you'll call me after?" joked Trunks.

"You gonna tell Pan you're cheating on her?" stammered the flustered Goten.

"She knows," Trunks said offhandedly: then, bravely, got on with the task at hand. He leaned forward and kissed Goten very lightly.

"Put some feeling into it!" Pan encouraged, getting a little warm at this sight.

In response, Trunks wrapped a hand around Goten's neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. The black-haired saiyan didn't seem to mind too much. Actually, neither of them seemed to be having a –bad- time…

Pan and Bra watched, fascinated, as that tender kiss continued.

Finally Bra glanced from her camera to her watch. "Pan, do you think we should –tell- them it's been over three minutes?"


Trunks pulled away, jumping to his feet and backing uip several steps. "Someone was supposed to –tell- us when the time was up!" he grumped indignantly.

Goten seemed at a loss for words. He touched his lips, eyes confused… shook his head fiercely, and grinned. "So who's next?"

"I'll take Truth, I suppose," said Bra casually.

Pan grinned. "How many guys have you done it with?"

"Pan!" The blue-haired girl frowned, looked up; then, with an embarrassed smile, started counting on her fingers.

Pan noticed both Gotan and Trunks start powering up slightly, and hastily said, "I think we get the idea, Bra-kun. Wow. Your turn, Goten."

"Truth," he growled.

"What about you? How many girls have you done it with?" Bra asked, defensively.

He answered intently, "One. Paris. Twice."

"Oh." Bra looked a little taken aback. "Ummm… Pan, Truth or Dare?"

"I'm sick of this game," Goten announced, standing and storming away.

Bra stared after him. "Well that was rude," she managed.

Pan stood. "I'd better go see if he's alright."

"Uncle Goten, are you alright?"

Goten sighed. He was sitting on the back step with his chin on his fists. "Leave me alone, Pan. I just wanna sulk for a bit."
She sat next to him. "Is it Bra, or Trunks?"

"Oh… Pan… I just don't wanna talk about it."

"Denial's unhealthy."

He glared at her. "I didn't want to know that about Bra. I really didn't. I'd thought- I'd… hoped…"

She squeezed his knee. "It's alright."

"It must be pretty obvious that I've got feelings for her. So, I don't like the idea of other guys being with her, okay?"

"I know. You know how many people Trunks has been with. I know exactly how you feel."

"Good!" Goten rubbed his eyes. "I can't stand this. I really have strong feelings for her and I'm getting incredibly jealous of her even though I know she doesn't feel the same yet and I think we might end up bonding and getting married and why the –fuck- did you make Trunks kiss me?"

Pan blinked, and laughed kindly.

Goten clutched at his head. "This is so confusing. It was… it was… really… good. Kissing Trunks. But- he's my best friend! And a guy! And I'm falling in love with his –sister.- What's wrong with me?"

"It's okay, Goten. I'm pretty sure Bra doesn't think you're a -complete- loser, and Trunks… well… he was the one who stuck –his- tongue down your throat." She giggled at his blush. "It –was- cute. Shall we go back inside?"

"Sure," he sighed. "But I retain my right to be confused."

They all decided that more shots and another movie were necessary, to the accompaniment of snacks.

"I got M'n'Ms!" Pan announced triumphantly as she came back from in the kitchen.

From his seat on the couch, Trunks skillfully snagged the quartersaiyan with an arm around her waist as she tried to get past, pulling her down onto his lap. "Hey, M'n'M girl," he purred. "You get to choose which Monty Python movie we're gonna watch now."

"Um… I pick 'Meaning of Life'," Pan decided happily. It was nice to have Trunks' muscular arm holding her close against his warm, comfortable body again. She smiled, relaxing against him, pretending that they were really lovers. That at any moment Trunks would turn her face to him and lovingly kiss her, or that the affection of his touch would meander into intimacy…

Trunks contendedly pulled Pan closer, fitting their bodies together almost as close as they could come with clothes in between. He wanted to make love to her. Right now.

However, he was a saiyan. He had the power to restrain these urges, if he thought about Mr Roshi wearing a tutu hard enough.

Instead, Trunks breathed on the back of her neck, watching the goosebumps lift all over her skin- as much of it as he could see, anyway- and loving the feeling when she shivered.

Pan, in morbid fascination, allowed herself to watch the part of the movie involving Sex Education… and felt that Trunks was fascinated too. Just a little bit, but noticeably.

She didn't quite know what to make of the hardness beginning to press against her. A little frightening, a little exciting. The blood rose to her cheeks.

"What –are- you thinking about, Trunks-chan?" she asked softly.

Trunks bit his lip guiltily. Found out… he decided to take a chance. "You, Pan. You and I."

She shuddered delightfully. "-Really-?"

"I'd really, really like to be buried deep in you right now," he admitted huskily, moving a little beneath her. He wasn't sure at what point this would change between pretence and reality… but he had a feeling it would be pretty soon.

Bra's voice was an unexpected intrusion. One that slathered light cheerfulness over deeper intrigue. "Why not? For two people who've been getting so –close- over the last couple of days, you haven't once pretended to do it."

Pan twisted, looking at the more-than-slightly aroused man under her- and grinned wickedly. "I –know- you're up for it, my dear."

With startling swiftness, Trunks picked her up and, with sure, gentle hands, laid his beloved back along the lounge.

Her heart thundered with forbidden excitement. "Be- be gentle with me?" she whispered.

"Of course, love," he assured her, leaning down to nuzzle at her neck.

Pan gasped… and let Trunks' knee slip between hers, allowing him to spread her legs… lunged up to wrap her legs around him.

He sank his hand into her hair. Buried his face in the sweet hollow of her throat. Her tight, hard nipples contrasted with the softness of her breasts even through three layers of fabric, making him ache with blind need.

Her head tipped back when he moved hard against her. "Oh, -God-!" Pan yelped.

Breathing hard, Trunks was still. "Are- are you- alright, love?"

She could feel his urgency pressed tightly against her. His body was heavy upon hers. She didn't want this to stop. The mixture of apprehension and arousal was powerful. "Trunks- I- it's so big! Be… careful?"

Somewhere, dimly, Pan was aware of someone choking… but that didn't matter. Slowly, powerfully, Trunks was moving against her, and delightful heat was flooding through her. Pan lifted her hips and, inexpertly, thrust to meet him.

Trunks groaned her name loudly, slamming against her. He had to fight not to tear through their clothes… he wanted to so badly!

They moved almost-together until, drenched in sweat, they both cried out and fell limply flat.

Trunks heaved a last, huge, shuddering sigh and, trembling, leaned back. Looked down at Pan where she lay, panting, flushed hotly, her legs still locked about his hips.

"Was it- was it… good- for you?" she panted, managing a teasing smile.

Sweet Kami, he wanted her again. Well- again, he wanted her. "The Earth moved," Trunks smiled. Then, noting the ragged tear on her neck, he lightly touched the skin near it in concern.

Pan's hand flew to the mark. She looked up at him with a wordless question in her eyes.

"Sorry, love," he apologised. "I got carried away."

"You bit me?" Pan frowned. Smirked. "Kinky." She went to unwrap herself and sit up… and felt sticky
dampness on her pants.

Trunks obviously realised what had happened at the same time as she did. Mortified embarassment flashed across his features. "Exit and change?" he subvocalised, carefully picking the pitch of his voice so only Pan could hear him. When she nodded fractionally, Trunks grinned sexily.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her close, loving the way her back arched and thrust her breasts forward. "Again?" he asked urgently.

Confused, Pan blinked… then got his drift. She pulled herself up along him with the grip of her thighs, rubbing her body against his… delighting in the power it gave her over him. "Yeah. Oh, yeah. But the lounge hurt my back. Let's go to your bed," Pan purred seductively.

He didn't have to fake the moan of desire that burst from his throat. Trunks surged to his feet, keeping Pan pulled tightly to him. His tail snaked under her to keep her steady. Over her shoulder, he tossed a few words to the other two: "See you guys soon. We'll back down in, oh, an hour."

"Two," Pan suggested, raking a hand through lavender hair.

Roughly, he licked the bite mark on her neck. "C'mon, then, love," he rumbled, sniffing and kissing her
throat all the way up the stairs.

"Who do they think they're kidding," Goten said flatly. He was not impressed.

Bra shrugged a little, glancing speculatively at Goten. He was getting pretty upset… she might have to distract him.

Not that she minded…

Trunks slammed Pan against his door, breathing hard. Gently set her on her feet. "Pan… I'm sorry, Pan. I didn't- didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry."

Her expression was unreadable. Pan heaved a couple of deep breaths… levelled a saucy look at him.
"You're forgiven. But you're washing your kuso mess off my clothes."

"Ony if I can take'm off you," the sexy saiyan growled, reaching for her waist- and the waistline of her boardshorts.

She squealed and twisted out of his grip, running fleetly, laughing, down the corridor to her own room.

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