Never Gonna Give Up - Never Gonna Quit
Chapter 23 & 24
Gohan kept his slight distance to Bra. His head was still reeling from his close encounter with her. Never in all his half saiyan life had he felt such power. It wasnt like powering up to super saiyan. This was something more when he and Videl..had..when he had given Videl Pan..thier first child.
" Nani what are they doing out here?" Pan leaned closer but could half hear what her best friend and fahter where saying. " I think we shouldnt be to careful..Gohan.." This brought Gohan back to the present in life. " Bra-chan..what..?" Bra turned and half smirked at Gohan. " You better keep quite if you know whats good for you.." She was so like her father in that sense. Gohan kept his eyes on her unable to look at anything else. " What is going on between us is prefectly natural by Saiyan right. The moon on this planet is drawing out our Saiyan blood and clouds our minds...Gohan the only reason you didnt continue your assult of me was because of this.." Bra moved her hand beside her neck and ripped her shirt half open. It showed the slight scar along her neck.
"B..B...Bra?" was all he could studder. Bra smiled and came close to him. " I think I know how the male saiyan mind works. When they choose a mate they mark them..Any other male saiyan could see that..or even smell it. That means your little brother is probably headed this way.." Bra turned and eyed the quite night sky above her. " I also assume that u have choosen Videl as ur mate so i have no fear of being presude by you and Goten. I just hope Trunks hasnt bitten Pan yet.."
Trunks was having a hard time keeping up with Goten. The golden encased boy was in a big hurry to reach Pan`s house. Trunks knew it be up to him to help Goten keep cool. Gohan would be there too, maybe he could help..Trunks flashed a thought in his head. What would he do if Pan was there? He lowered his brows and tried to push the thoughts of Pan far from his mind. Goten was what he was worried about. He had the blood of a nobel prince in him. That had to account for something!!
Pan was about to fall from the tree. Her hand ran along her neck in thought. " Nani..Trunks..wants to bite" She felt flushed and angered all at once. It was all apart of the Saiyan mating rites. This had nothing to do with love..and other Earth qualities. Saiyans had this curse to ensure they procreate as a speiceas.............................right? She raised her head cause something hot was in the air. Ki`s where a blaze and flying high this way. What was gonna happen now?
Bra turned at the same time Gohan did. The two were met by Goten and Trunks. Trunks was off to the side of Goten`s super saiyan form. Bra bit her lip having the pit of her stomach drop. " Ahh" Gohan felt his words be jumbled as the look on thier faces were anything but friendly. " Gohan get ready to fend off Goten..go super saiyan.." Gohan blinked dumbfounded from Trunks to Goten. " Trunks..whats wrong?" Bra heard Gohan say but then it was only a matter of seconds before Goten would strike down his own brother.
It was like slow motion as she tried to stop them. Her own attempt to short to slow. " Nooo...dont............FIGHT!!" Pan`s eyes fell wide as Bra hit dirt in Gohan and Goten`s wake. " Nani..BRA!!" She jumped from her branch and was at her friends side. Bra was sputtering out her words. " No..Gohan..dont fight scent is on your dad..Goten thinks..he..he thinks Gohan is after me as a mate..!!" Pan didnt belive her friend but then actions seemed louder then words. Her father was fighting Goten in real combat.
Why was she here? Trunks held himself together and made his way to his sister and Pan. " EH Bra-chan you alright?" Bra was on her feet dusting off her clothes. Her angered look brought a lowered pair of eyes from her brother. " You are as dumb as they come..Dont you know Goten fighting Gohan is the WORST THING you could have let him do?" Trunks blinked making no connection to her words. " Its bloody Saiyan Mating Rites..and look at us!!"
Chapter 24
** this better end soon or someone might get hurt..>_< **
Gohan ran a single hand over his lips. The blood on it somewhat caught his attention. Was Goten trying to hurt me? He half eyed his little brother. The others stood off to the side watching Gohan and Trunks. Bra angerliy glared at Trunks, who was half staring at Pan. " Hey BAKA..Arent you gonna do something? " Trunks felt a little red and rubbed the back of his head. " I..umm what do you want me to do?" Bra folded her arms and turned her face off to Gohan and Goten. " Make them stop "
He was looking at me close. Pan kept her secreat stares to herself. Trunks was here standing almost beside her. " Bra do you think Gohan and Goten will really fight?" Trunks turned to eye Pan as she spoke. Bra half chewed on her lower lip. " If Gohan fights Goten i am not sure when it will end..Meaning half dead..or all the way." Trunks and Pan`s eyes nearly fell from thier heads. " Nani..dead?" Bra slowly nodded her head. " I`m not sure how far the male saiyan body will fight under these strange conditions.."
The moon was hanging lower below the clouds. Its full raise beating down onto Earth`s suface. Gohan stood and couldnt belive what he was seeing out of his brother. He wants me dead..and for what? " Goten..cant you see its me Gohan?" His brother answered in a hallow spurse of ki. It knocked Gohan off his feet and against a tree. Goten then lowered his raised hand. Bra, Trunks, and Pan all gasped in a single look. Thier friend was obvoiusly unable to think on his own. Would Gohan be alright..would he fight back? " Trunks..if they fight they`ll kill have to stop them..!!" Why was all the pressure on him? Trunks looked and bit his lower lip. He knew coming between Gohan and Goten wasnt a good idea. This would require a more mindfull appraoch. When he looked up...................the answer hit him.
Bra and Pan saw Trunks take off into the air. Gohan stood reading himself to battle his brother. Goten grinned eger to take out Gohan. " Nani..he`s gonna let them kill eachother!!" Bra whispered and Pan feared for the worst. Trunks lifted his hands and prayed this was the answer Earth needed to return the peace. His ki fell through his body and into his hands. A Saiyan power flowed out at the hindering evil moon. It would be over in a matter of seconds..and Trunks..had destroyed the moon.
Did it work was it over? He turned to eye his friends below him. Gohan and Goten looked as if they where ready to lock heads of battle. Thier faces seemed to slowly change as the rays fadded into nothing. " G...Gohan?" Goten blinked lowering his fist. Gohan did the same and they both stepped back. " Nani...Goten..I thought you were really gonna hurt me.." This made the younger of the Son brothers lower his head in slight shame. " All I can remeber is wanting you dead.." Gohan blinked a little relived Goten didnt feel that way anymore. Trunks lowered himself from the sky. Bra wrapped her arms around her older brother. " OHH NI-CHAN YOU SAVED GOTEN AND GOHAN!!!" He made a unpleasent face but grew a little red as Pan hugged him too. " Ahh it was nothing.." Goten and Gohan had finnally made thier way over to them. " Hai Trunks-kun you used your head..when we were about to use our fists.." Gohan stated and Goten half smiled. " Yeah you saved the day !!"
It was over wasnt it? Bra eyed Goten..and Pan eyed Trunks. Was there anything still remaining of the passion they shared? " Well its late..better get home before mom wakes up and sees us gone.." Goten shoved his hands into the back of his pockets. Trunks moved his branding eyes from Pan. " Yeah..Chichi can be such a pain.." Gohan eyed his watch comfirming the lateness of the night. " Hai..blowing up one Earth moon is all I can stand to watch..Come on girls time for bed.
How long had Bra been standing thier fuming like that? Her face was nearly red and she looked as if she were going to blow. " OHH NO YOU DONT SON GOTEN!!" She stepped up to Goten her face inces from his own. " B..Bra.." His words were squandered in mid sentence. " You think im gonna just GIVE you my VIRGINTY and let you WALK off?" Her hands latched clearly over his ear. Everyone blinked as Goten seemed to be powerless in her grasp. " Bu..but it mean.." Her anger fumed her and she tore the side of his shirt. "This is so you wont get any ideas of leaving me.." Her teeth sunk right into his skin. Goten howled in slight pain. When she let him go he rubbed his sore spot. " GEEZ Bra.." Trunks and Pan were kinda glad neither of them in thier claims. Perhaps Goten and Bra were more saiyan then anyone would have thought.
Gohan half yawned and turned to walk back indoors. " Well just turn out the lights when you get inside.." Pan watched her dad move to go inside. Bra lanked her arm around Goten`s and smiled. " Well kids I hate to crash this party but Goten has to meet the parents.." This brought a slight fear shocked look from Goten. "" Bra nodded and eyed at him. " I want them to know who the father of thier grandchild is..Goten?..Goten?"
Pan and Trunsk watched in silence as Bra carried of her fainted mate. " Later guys!!" Trunks and Pan waved and Bra almost dissapered into a flash. This left Trunks and Pan really alone. " Wow..looks like Uncle ten and Bra are really gonna stick together.." Trunks shrugged his shoulders feeling the uncomfortable silence. " I think they would have ended up together even without the moon.." Pan turned to face Trunks her heart skipping beats. " You really thinks so?" This was hard ..very hard on him. " Yeah..if you love someone it doesnt matter if the moon is out..You cant help but show it." Pan slightly blushed and he looked away from her. " I..umm better get going..I dont think your dad would like me staying so late.." Pan slightly giggled and came closer to Trunks. " And why not..the moon is gone..what are you afraid of?" He stepped back and gulped his face flushed red. " I..umm I`m not afraid.."
She leaned so close he could smell her scent. A slight breeze blew between them. " Trunks...when you made love to me..was that showing it?" Her bluntness made him even more uncofortable. " I..umm..well yeah..." Her beautiful face lit up into a perfect smile. He felt a weight fall off his chest. Yeah..he liked Pan..hell he loved her! Trunks let his arms fall around her and bring her against his chest. " Looks like I`ll be taking you home to meet the parents.." Pan giggled at Trunks words and nestled against him. " Only after Vegeta calms down..I think one heart stopping moment at a time Trunks.." Trunks grinned thinking of how bad Goten would be getting it when he woke up. He relaxed and enjoyied Pan in his arms. " moment at a time.."
.................................the end