Never Gonna Give Up - Never Gonna Quit
Writen by: Bikini Chan
Chapter one
Trunks sat up in bed in a cold sweat. His purple strands fell in front of his face. He could
still hear those faint voices in his head. There was a scent of lust in the air. Trunks shook
his head and prayed for relief to his illness. His hands gripped into fists and he
growled..till it..slowly died down. There was a breif moment..and he was sane again...The moon
hid behind the clouds. Trunks sent his covers off his bed. His body was to hot to feel anything
against his skin. He laid back starring blankly to the ceiling. What could he do to stop these
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Pan awoke startled by that same dream as before. Her breath was short from her lips. " My
god..whats wrong with me.." She felt tears stinging her eyes. The heat in the room was more
then she could bare alone. Why was he calling my name at nite? She stepped on her bare feet
to the open window. The man in her dreams was asking be his...for always..This
frightend Pan and she felt so helpless. A slow cool breeze did nothing for her fever. Someone
wants me to find him..but..who..where could he be..and what does he want?
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Bra hung up the phone and yawned. She smiled slighly and wandered out of her room. Her brother
was in the shower again that day. Bra wondered if he had become a neat freak over nite. It
seemed everyday Trunks took his showers as cold as he could. " Maybe hes..found a girl he
really likes.." Bra giggled and tampered on down the hall.
" Ahh Bra-chan..good morning.." Bra sat and eyed the food spraled on the table. Her hunger
flashed before her eyes. Bulma sat in amazement as her daughter devoured the whole morning
meal. This was unusaul since Bra never was a big eater.
" Bra..u feel um..alright?" Bra stopped and eyed her mother.
" I..Im a little hungry..mother..sorry.." Bra set down the last half eaten plate. Redness
charred over her cheeks. Bulma smiled and cleared out some of the dishes as Vegeta walked in.
" Damn it woman what did i tell u about not having food ready eh?" Bulma
smiled and kissed her husbands cheek.
" It wasnt was Bra..she just..ate it all.."
Vegeta raised his one brow and looked at his daughter. " Finally feeling the blood of a
saiyan eh?"
Bra waved her hand and felt her cell go off. " Ohh daddy i was just a little
biggie.....hello...ohh hi on my way..." Bra hung up the phone and sat up.
" Well..Pan and i are going shopping..wanna come daddy?"
Vegeta folded his arms and groaned.
" Hmph i let u get a license so i wouldnt have to go.." Bra smiled and kissed her
fathers cheek.
" Ok then..bye...daddy.." Bra was out the door.
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Goten rolled out of bed as the phone was insistent on ringing. Goten clumsly picked up his
eyes still closed. " H..ello?....PERSUE!!" Goten sat up and rubbed his eyes. He was late for
thier date by the mark on the clock. " Ohh eh..i was training late..with Trunks-kun..huh..
yeah..hai.." Goten hung up the phone and dashed into the shower half dressed.
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Trunks crawled out of the shower almost looking like a prune. He rubbed his still sleepy
eyes. Those dreams were keeping him awake more and more. He sighed and headed down the hall.
Food was on the table and his father was there. " Ahh Trunks-kun.." His mother smiled setting
a plate down. Vegeta murmered a few words but said no more then that. Trunks sat and plowed
food into his mouth. Bulma watched as her son ate her out of aother meal.
" Nani..if this keeps up..ill be bankrupt..!!" Vegeta chuckled and fished his last plate.
" Ohh hush woman..thats what u get for servicing the Prince of saiyans..and his faimly.."
Bulma gave Vegeta that look and the old prince laughed.
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Bra found Pan in her room on the bed. " Pan..?" She walked over to her sad friend.
" Go away Bra..i..i think im sick..."
Bra stopped and folded her arms over her chest. Her look was a Vegeta one. " Sick..but you
never get sick..Pan-chan.." Pan eyed Bra her eyes dark from lack of sleep..and she was hot
still with fever. Bra felt a twig of worry fall over her. " Does Videl know..?"
Pan sighed and hugged her knees to her chest. " cold..its worse.." Bra
sat on the bed with her friend. The more Pan talked the more Bra felt worried.
" You..wanna tell me..about it?" Pan shook her head to afriad of what Bra would say. " Pan..if
you hold it in it will only make u sicker."
Pan breathed in and told Bra everything that was bothering her..even the dream. " And since
"I've been having the dream..I..been having these feelings..Im scarred Bra..I..never felt
like this.."
Bra gave her friend a hugg and sighed. " Well..i..can tell you cold showers..might help.."
Pan protested to that. " But im not a GUY!!"
Bra smiled and patted her freinds back. " Well..maybe we need to find you one then.."
Pan made a face and Bra smiled. It seemed Pan was feeling better.
" Ok now get dressed..i have sales to catch!!" Pan giggled and shoved off to go shower. Bra
sighed and wondered if Pan was going through some..change..of some kind..Bra wished she knew
more about how Pan felt.
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Chapter Two