Never Say Goodbye
Chapter 3,4 & 5
Trunks held a steady fast breath. What was Goten doing in there? It had been a simple mission he had thought. His long purple strands moved over his face. Wind was blowing a death like movement. Trunks drew his eyes together. " Nani Goten you think you be in and out by now!!" His impatientince was there in his eyes.
Goten eyed the others from his distance. There it was the prize they sought. Destroying this pieace of work would place Dr. Gero and Bebi out of the picture for a good few months. He slightly smiled in anticpation of a good fight. " Nani ohh Trunks will be so jealous..of me..hehehhehehe" Then Goten felt something along his backside. It was the barrel of a M-16 rifle. " Stand up and place your hands over your head." The lifless machine called out to him. Goten raised himself to his feet. " Ahhh...hi..I must have..gotten lost...ummcould you help me find my way out of here?"
The robot`s lazer eye scanned Goten`s form. " Identify self.." It stated and Goten knew the jig was up. He jammed his elbow quickly into the machine`s eye. That would hold off the identification of his saiyn blood. The robot fell over lifeless, to the floor. " Nani..too easy..." His movement stepped over the robot and he wandered off to the computer. Goten felt his body power heavier to a higher form of Supersaiyan. He had to be fast now that a robot was destroied. His hands flew out and he tossed his ki into a blast.
Trunks could feel the explosion from Goten`s hit. He smiled all to happy for the victory. " Hai..I knew Goten could do it..!!"
A slight smile of satisfaction was on Goten`s face. He felt a victoy had been won. " Well done bad this is the end of the line for ya..heh.." Chills sped through Goten as he saw him.
It was a trap....
Trunks could feel the unmistakable power of Bebi. He cursed himself for being to confident. His ki trail blazed and he flew forward to help Goten...if he could.
Goten held his ground as best he could against Bebi. The two were faster then any eye could see. Fist for fist punch for punch. It was a hard even fight of life or death. " Come..on that all you have?" Goten was slammed into a wall crumbleing it. Blood spewed from Goten`s open lips. His ki was easily drained as Bebi attacked him with ease. Machine against saiyan was not a fair war..ever. " Kamehame ha!!!!!!" His hands outstrechted cathing Bebi in a fallen grin. There was a burst of light and the room lite up. Trunks covered his eyes for a moment.
When the light subsided only a few seconds were left. Trunks lifted his eyes to see Bebi stand clean of smoke. Blood trailed from his lower lip. " You little pest...How dare you make me ALL!!" His hands came together to fast for Trunks to react. Goten was drained and laid breathing as hard as he could. " DEATH RAY!!!!!!!" Trunks could barely scream as his friend was..blasted into another demension.
Chapter 4
Trunks enraged by the death of his friend fell into a horrible blood lust. He wanted Bebi dead..and he wanted him dead NOW!! His own ki shook and crackled around his body. " Ill kill him can you..kill my best friend..!!" This is when Trunks exploded with anger and power. His body revealing in its darker form. His hands punched liks fists and he dissapereed.
Bra was setting the table when Pan wandered outward. She was rubbing her eyes when she saw Bra. " Morrning sleepy head..Pan.." There was a happy smile between the two then the air crackled. Bra and Pan both stood on end. What the heck was going on out there? " Nani...Trunks..must have let me sleep in..!!" Bra dropped the plate in her had. A slight look of horror on her face. " cant cant BE!!!!!!!!!!" Pan blinked quick to she her friend upset. " What is it Bra-chan..?" Her friend couldnt speack in a unclutered voice. " I..I cant feel Goten`s ki anymore...."
Chapter 5
Trunks turned his body into a single cell of ki. He appered inront of Bebi. A slighy look of discust crossed his face. Goten`s body lain in blood at his feet. It wa a surprize turn as Trunks wailed a backhand to the oversized droid. Bebi fell backward and cracked the wall behind him. The strong hold of Trunks`s fury had given him a super strength to take on the android himself. " You will pay for what you have done to Gotne-san!! Die...Bebi!!!!!!!!!!!" He moved his hands so fast that he still couldnt see what he was doing. His eyes encased of a blood rage for death. He shoved his hands forward and shouted.."Final Flash..atk!!!!!" His hands glowed and his body came to life with electric ki. Trunks placed all his pain and heart into that blast. It sent Bebi and himself backward a bit. The golden half saiyan pushed and pushed with all his might...He wanted Bebi to feel the same pain he had felt..ever since..his own father`s life was lost to that monster..five years ago..
There wasnt a place on Earth that didnt shake. Bra and Pan both ran to the back of the house. Babies in hand they prayed the quakes would be over soon. A broght light burst from Trunks and Bebi screamed in agony. His body was melting away..and he was dying. He tried to grasp a fianl blow..but Trunks had become to much..and he fell back..and didnt get up.. The building shook as it was unable to hold this kind of energy forms. Robots tried to escape in vain as Trunks brought the house down.
Shuffling off in pieaces it came around him. Trunks kept his focus on the blast. His energy waining and he could barely breathe. His strong holdong ki eventually gave out on him. It was obvoiusly over...
Pan and Bra both breathed as the shaking stopped. " Nani..was that Trunks?" Pan said in a bare whisper. Bra nodded and looked to her son. The restless babe was smiling at her. It was obvoius something had happened to Goten. She couldnt feel his ki anymore..a link was broken it seemed.
Was it over so easily? Trunks stood over the rubble that was the lab. Bebi was dead and so was Goten. Trunks let the sweat beads fall over his face. " If only I had gone in there..instead of him..." The wind blew a slight gasp of air around him. His hair fell purple at his shoulders. He could still hear Goten laughing and joking with him...
They knew what they were getting into that night. Trunks and Goten had both agreeded to share this nice seceat raid. " You sure they cant hear us Goten..?" His best friend smiled and got into position by the window. " Ahh you doubt me Trunks?..Those girls gave us rotten food..and i think they have some in thier room..!!" Trunks slide the window open and they both snuck into the room. It was like halloween when they had found a nice stash of candy in the closet. This was the perfect revenge for the horrible dinner Bra had made them that night. " Hai...Goten..look at all this candy!!" Goten smiled his mouth already full.
When one enjoyed so much food and fun it was bound to backfire..and boy did it..! The girls came in and gave Goten and Trunks a sleepless night thay would never forget. " ahh was worth it right?" Trunks laid back off by the river shore. His eye just as black as Goten`s. " Hai...I cant wait till we can do it again tommorow.."
~end flashback~
Trunks let his throat swollow his pain. He had to get home to Pan..and Bardock..and Goten`s wife and child. How could he tell his ownly sister he had seen Goten die? He cussed a word and stomped off into the air as high as he could. If he hurried home maybe he could help break the ice that Goten was gone..unless she already knew.